Steens Road is 22.7 miles from the the intersection of Main and Center Streets in Monticello, heading north on Route 191; after you go down a small dip in the road and cross over an arroyo, you'll see a sign and the road to your right. To the left though is another road which is Old Highway 191 and can also handle ATVs and 4-wheel drive vehicles; it takes you all the way up to Wilson Arch on Route 191.
The staging area for Hook and Ladder is 1.2 miles up Steens Road; at the informational board is a box which holds free maps. Sometimes the box is empty and the local welcome center might not have any either; go to the SPEAR (San Juan Public Entry & Access Rights) site at: , click on Maps ( , choose the route(s) you want and print it(them) out.
Dwarf Evening Primrose scattered throughout the staging area. |
At 2.5 miles you reach Red Rock; this formation can be seen from Lisbon Valley Road and looks like a castle or gothic mansion. From Steens Road, it looks like a sleeping stegosaurus from one angle or an elephant's head between its front feet from another angle. Stop though and take in the scenery of the road you just traveled up; isn't that beautiful?
At mile mark 5.1, the road splits off; straight ahead CR 114 continues down into a canyon and beyond; it becomes very rough riding and is best for ATVs or specialized 4-wheel drive vehicles. There are several other trails that lead to closed off areas due to poisonous gas from the pipelines throughout.
Canaigre Dock (Buckwheat family) grows throughout the riverbed |
So there's Steens Road for you; Hook and Ladder I hope to explore at another time, but wait, this adventure tale is not over yet. Doing my research about Steens Road, I saw mention of "Macomb Arch" and two posted photos of it; only problem, no substantial information about it. Online map sites listed it as "Name Unrecognized", or a little ballon vaguely positioned between East Canyon Road (CR 105) and Lisbon Valley Road. I couldn't even find out why it was named as such online or in any of my San Juan County books; probably some rancher named Macomb who lived or still lives out there is my best guess.
Anyway, heading back south on Route 191, I made the turn onto East Canyon Road (CR 105) to see if I could find this arch; a photocopy along to help me recognize the landscape. At mile mark 2.7, a shaft of sunlight going through the arch helped me find the location; unfortunately, a road at mile mark 4.7 ends at a closed gate, so that wasn't getting me out there. These photos are the best I could do with my zoom lens, until I can finally find the correct road out to it. It looks to be part of Deer Neck Mesa, so I've got a pretty good idea of two possible ways.
Macomb Arch |
Deer Neck Mesa |
...and that's that for this write up.
Mary Cokenour
Interesting and beautiful country. Macomb Arch is named after Captain John Macomb, who led an expedition from Santa Fe through the area in 1859, in search of the confluence of the Colorado and Green Rivers.